Strona główna/Wiedza/Why is it sensible to cultivate spring onions?
Why is it sensible to cultivate spring onions?
The cultivation cycle of spring onions lasts for 2 years. In the first year, the so-called spring onion is produced, which are small bulbs with a diameter of 5-25 mm. Only in the second year after planting these small bulbs, onions suitable for use are obtained. Cultivating spring onions allows for a very early, high, and uniform harvest. However, spring onions are not suitable for long-term storage, and the production itself is quite expensive due to the difficulties and problems in obtaining good spring onions. The principle of spring onion production is to provide the plants with conditions under which they grow as densely as possible in the presence of nutrient and water deficiency. The sowing of spring onion seeds usually takes place in May in rows spaced 15-20 cm apart. The harvest is ready after about 100 days (when the chives turn yellow). In the spring of the second year of cultivation, the small bulbs are planted in the ground at a distance of 30 x 8-10 cm. We plant them at a depth so that the tip is at ground level. Some farms specialize exclusively in the production of spring onions. This allows for the possibility of buying small bulbs in early spring, which can be planted in the garden from March onwards. This way, we shorten the cultivation time to one season.
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